Author: David Allen

  29 March 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   If there is one word in land trust language that would benefit the most from tighter definition, it’s probably the word “outreach.” We have Outreach Committees, Directors of Membership and Outreach, Outreach Strategies, Outreach Events, and so on. I’m...

  8 March 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation [The bulk of this post originally appeared in March of 2016]   Recently, I conducted a training session with a land trust. I had to fly to get there, so whereas I brought a projector, handouts, and so on, I...

  8 February 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   “Your guidance on the direct mail has been spot on. I got a few complaints about "asking for specific amounts of money," but I haven't worried about it too much because we are crushing our fundraising goals. (Also,...