Author: David Allen

  30 May 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   I have four Development Audits in various phases of completion right now. My work seems to run like that – no Audits at all for six months and then four all on top of each other. One of the...

2 May 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   A few weeks ago, I was asked to prepare a presentation on how best to raise money for stewardship, and last week, I posted the majority of the answers I offered: Raising Money for Stewardship – Part 1. Essentially,...

18 April 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   A few years ago, a Board member complained to me that the land trust wasn’t growing. “We have the same 250 donors we had ten years ago,” he said. I thought that was unlikely. This Board member was concerned about...

  4 April 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Just about every organization I am working with is dealing with the DEI question. Conservation is too white, too male, too educated, too elite. How can we get our boards to look more like our communities? For nearly...