Author: David Allen

  16 July 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   I just got back from an engaging land trust conference hosted by the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts and the Washington Association of Land Trusts called Land Camp. I go to conferences as a presenter, to see and...

  25 June 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   When I get challenged on the advice I provide in this blog and in various seminars and workshops, it’s usually related to not being able to cite studies and peer-reviewed papers that prove the opinion I espouse. For the...

  18 June 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   At some point during your next organizational event, imagine yourself being between 45 and 60-years-old. You Gen-Xers out there won’t have trouble with this. Now wrap yourself in a cloak of objectivity and look around the event. Characterize it....

  11 June 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Somewhat lost in all the kerfuffle in the conservation community about anything and everything named in honor of Muir, Audubon, or Leopold is the more important call to think carefully about how we name anything and especially so...

  4 June 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   There’s a spot in Nebraska on the Platte River where a large percentage of the continent's sandhill cranes gather (stopover) every March on their migratory way from the Gulf of Mexico to their northern breeding grounds. If you...

  28 May 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Are you ready for the election season? Me neither.   Aside from the every-four-years political insanity, the presidential election always presents some challenges for fall appeal planning as well. And this year will be worse than normal.   I believe that one of the...

21 May 2024   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   “The systems you have in place right now either were created or evolved on their own to support the current status quo. If you want to change the status quo, you need to change the systems that support...