Author: David Allen

  7 March 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Does your land trust have a Development Committee? A Board committee whose job it is to oversee organizational fundraising? What does it do? How is it organized? This post is about one way of thinking through these questions. I believe...

  28 February 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   In the conservation community, and for land trusts in particular, the work is “in perpetuity” – forever. So, if our work will never end, neither can our organizations. They must be perpetual as well. And because none of...

  21 February 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Recently I attended a webinar presented by Tom Ahern. Ahern is a well-known figure in nonprofit direct response fundraising and has written several books related to communicating with donors: Turning Doubters Into Donors, How to Write Fundraising Materials...

  14 February 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Happy Valentine's Day! (Love your donors. They will love you back.) This post will have nothing to do with Valentine's Day. But I hope you have a lovely day, regardless!   For the last several years, about this time, I...

  31 January 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Two questions came through my inbox this week. I answered both in due course, but I get asked these a lot, and it occurred to me that I should share them here as well.   The first question: We’re redoing...

  24 January 2023   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   There’s a fun story about three bricklayers who are asked what they are doing. (You've probably heard it.) The first describes laying each brick on top of the others so that the lines are straight in every direction....