Author: David Allen

  18 January 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   I’m getting a number of requests for help fundraising from land trusts who need to build their stewardship endowments. Some of this is undoubtedly related to land trust accreditation, which has brought both new awareness and new urgency...

  28 December 2021   Looking for something to do this week? Try picking up the phone.   I get teased every year by somebody who tells me they are NOT taking this week off, because “someone” advised them to make themselves available to donors who might need to talk...

  21 December 2021   “Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” Robin Wall...

  7 December 2020   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Last week, I started a post on capital campaigns, because I have been hearing from land trusts exploring capital campaigns for projects ill-suited for campaigns – specifically to raise money for operating endowment, stewardship endowment, land protection “opportunity”...

  23 November 2020   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Last year’s post from Thanksgiving week referenced Larry Smith’s Op-Ed from the NY Times asking readers to use the six-word form to make sense of 2020. The six-word story form idea was reportedly born at Mr. Smith’s Thanksgiving...