
First Thing Tuesday

This BLOG is intended to help conservation organizations and land trusts pursue excellence in all aspects of their conservation endeavors. I welcome your comments and feedback to these posts.

  22 December 2020   Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves...

  15 December 2020   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Double your Giving Tuesday gift! Celebrate Giving Tuesday The importance of one day in land conservation 3 Reasons to #SaveTheBay on #GivingTuesday - TODAY! In uncertain times, the Alliance meets the need Give Today - Support Leaders of Tomorrow! Final hours to give back...

  8 December 2020   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   One of the workshops I have most enjoyed doing for the last several years was called Development Committee Makeover. The point of the workshop was to show, using before and after scripts, how Development Committees could address their...

  24 November 2020   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Magazine editor Larry Smith has been collecting people’s six-word stories about their lives since 2006. Reportedly, the idea was born at a Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family and was based on an anecdote attributed to Ernest Hemingway:...

  20 October 2020   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   As a fundraiser, I can honestly say that the future has never seemed more uncertain than it is right now. In many ways, it feels like we are teetering on the edge of something truly horrible (great depression?,...