
First Thing Tuesday

This BLOG is intended to help conservation organizations and land trusts pursue excellence in all aspects of their conservation endeavors. I welcome your comments and feedback to these posts.

  1 November 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   OK – so let’s talk about donor fatigue. And two things we need to acknowledge head-on. First, donor fatigue is real. It’s defined as the situation where donors either reduce or stop donating due to “feelings of indifference or...

  25 October 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   (This essay was originally posted in October 2018. I have updated it for posting today. I still find it relevant with all the recent attention I have paid to Legacy Bequest Matching Campaigns.)   Back in 2018, Jeff Brooks, Future...

  18 October 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   I’m one of those people who likes strategic planning. It exercises two parts of my brain that I seem to have some aptitude for: convergent thinking (analysis and interpretation) and divergent thinking (brainstorming). An early exercise in strategic planning...

  11 October 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   On every Board, there are a handful of Board members who are interested in aggressively pursuing corporate support. It seems logical to them that the business community would support community nonprofits as part of their commitment to community...

  13 September 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   I’m heading to Rally today, and it seemed timely to pull out this post from 2017 and update it. After all, it’s been a while, and we might be out of practice. If you are heading to New...

  6 September 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   Every year in September, I start thinking about how just about every single member or donor who has given us money in recent memory will be solicited between now and year’s end. The entire year comes down to...

  30 August 2022   By David Allen, Development for Conservation   One of the more frustrating parts of a fundraiser’s job happens when people don’t actually do what they said they would do. OK – any job. Donors promise a reply by Tuesday and Friday rolls around without a word. ...