“Ruh-roh” Moments and Time Management

“Ruh-roh” Moments and Time Management



17 October 2023


By David Allen, Development for Conservation


One of the serious problems with consulting is that no one is around to help you manage your workload at a “reasonable” level. It’s all too easy to realize way too late that you have taken on too much. This happened to me earlier this year – I looked at what I had taken on and muttered to myself Scooby-Doo’s famous line: “Ruh-roh.”

There were complicating factors, of course. Working from home (living at work?) makes it all too easy to slip in and out of work mode at all hours. This means that part of my brain was always working on something. I didn’t have the luxury of leaving it at the office. And I started working more and more.

Also, when people call me, they are calling because they need help. I want to help. I’m in the helping business. “I don’t have time to help you,” doesn’t seem like a reasonable response. All the little things I was promising seemed like reasonable things to promise. But soon the process of keeping track of all the little things – and worrying about them – became a bigger and bigger part of each day.

PLUS – I LOVE this work! I want to help.


Meanwhile, just not getting stuff done really isn’t acceptable either. Deadlines slip. Quality slips. Short-cuts creep in. Mistakes happen more frequently.

And the requests keep coming in. It’s good – and not good.



Perhaps a variation of this theme has happened to you. What did YOU do? What tools did YOU find?

Here’s what I did:


The systems you have in place right now were created, or possibly just evolved, to support the current status quo. If you want to change the status quo, you will need to change the systems that support it.


The “system” that I had was an increasingly complicated “To-Do List” system. It was broken down by client and deadline, but basically, I could keep track of what I was supposed to be doing and by when.

Marc Zao-Sanders wrote in a 2018 Harvard Business Review article that there are (at least) four problems with to-to lists:

  • They overwhelm us with too many choices;
  • They encourage us to tackle simpler tasks first – those that are more easily accomplished;
  • They fail to help us prioritize important-but-not-urgent tasks, like setting time aside for learning; and
  • They rarely take the time we actually have available in to account.


My to-do lists were well-organized, but they were overwhelming.

Now what?


Then I started mapping out the to-do list items onto a calendar. I have since learned that this practice has a name – time-boxing – and I recommend the practice to anyone facing similar problems.. A quick Google search will bring up a load of useful information, including the above-referenced HBR article, and even software programs that do it for you.

Time boxing essentially means that you calendar appointments with yourself to get specific tasks done. At those appointed times, you put blinders on, and crank through the stuff you need to do, safe in the knowledge (or at least in the wishful belief) that you have allocated time for everything else.

I use Google’s calendar app, and I have multiple email accounts so I can overlay my time boxed tasks onto my appointments calendar or not as I may need to. It becomes much easier to tell when I am “full” in any given week.


Honestly, it still doesn’t work 100%. I’m not good enough at it, yet.

  • I still tend to underestimate how long tasks will take.
  • Doubly so for the tasks I’m not as enthused about. I tend to forget about managing my own emotional response to working on some tasks. I drag my feet and/or finish feeling drained. Maybe something that COULD be done in 30 minutes ends up “costing” me three hours.
  • I still don’t “budget” enough time for transitions. One of the problems with remote work is that I tend to schedule things back-to-back-to-back, with insufficient transition (walking around) time. I need to bake in time to process – to organize my own thinking.
  • I still allow myself to get interrupted by email and phone (instead of time-boxing responses into specific times of the day).
  • AND – and this is critical – part of me is still striving to be more productive and efficient. Like somehow I can figure out how to do all this stuff instead of confronting the fact that it’s too much. That thinking will lead to an even larger “ruh-roh” moment later.


I’m still not there. But I’m learning.



Cheers, and have a great week!




PS: Your comments on these posts are welcomed and warmly requested. If you have not posted a comment before, or if you are using a new email address, please know that there may be a delay in seeing your posted comment. That’s my SPAM defense at work. I approve all comments as soon as I am able during the day.


Photo by Tricia Gray courtesy Stocksnap.io


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  • Jennifer Filipiak
    Posted at 09:21h, 17 October

    I’m sure a lot of us struggle with the urgent vs important quandary. You spend all your time on “urgent” (fixing the printer, responding to quick emails, taking a call…) and never get to the important (donor relations, writing, learning, work plans and budgets). I time box the important tasks (which aren’t really tasks, you’re never really “done” with donor relations, for example), but I still struggle with the discipline to stick to my boxes! The other nice thing about time boxing is that my colleagues who can see my calendar treat the boxes like meetings and know I’m unavailable.

  • Brenda Costa
    Posted at 08:12h, 17 October

    Excellent post, David. The to-do list is especially ineffective when you are in a leadership role and have a lot of the unexpected items pop up in a day from staff. Time boxing seems like to could be really useful, not by means of making yourself “unavailable”, but creating some boundaries. Thanks for sharing.

  • Renee' Carey
    Posted at 07:11h, 17 October

    Ditto on a lot of this. I got away from the systems that help me keep on track and have been working to reinstate those in my life.

    I’m also trying to remember to assume there will be technology snafus. There will be days I spend over 30 minutes getting the printer to print all the pages (not just the even pages) of a document. When I’m deciding what’s reasonable to get done in a day, I need to think about those technology problems.

  • Carol Abrahamzon
    Posted at 07:00h, 17 October

    We use our Outlook calendars to map out our tasks. It is helpful but all of the above mentioned can get you off track/task regardless of good intentions. Hang in there!